Domestic Violence Defenses

Being charged with a domestic violence offense doesn’t mean you’re defenseless. That’s why it’s important to work with an attorney who is experienced and committed to telling your side. There are multiple defenses we can help you present:

  • Self-defense or defense of others: California allows you to defend yourself or someone else if you reasonably believe you or others will suffer serious harm if you do nothing. If you use reasonable, not excessive force to protect yourself, your loved ones, or your children, you have a defense.
  • Accidents happen. Just because you’re arguing with someone when they’re injured, it doesn’t mean you meant to hurt them. We can help you dig into the facts of what happened.
  • Innocence. False accusations are made all the time. We can help find the evidence and present the case to show you’re innocent.

When you’ve been accused of a domestic violence offense, the odds are stacked against you. Too often people assume a defendant is guilty. You need the best defense attorney to show them they’re wrong.

Contact us today to discuss your defense.

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