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Allison B. Margolin, a 30-year-old two-time Ivy-leaguer, operates a criminal defense law practice in Beverly Hills, representing a wide clientele and handling cases from drug and alcohol offenses to murder. She received her law education at Harvard University in 2002. Prior to her graduate studies, Ms. Margolin received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Creative Writing from Columbia University in 1999.
In the past years, Ms. Margolin has run for Beverly Hills City Council, worked as a consultant for reality TV show “Second Verdict” and has also written for the “Beverly Hills Weekly” newspaper. In college, she served as Editorial Editor of the Columbia
Daily Spectator newspaper, and anchored and produced her own news show. Allison has written a number of articles and papers on her experiences in school and on drug and sex law. Numerous examples of her column for the “Harvard Law Record” can be found on www.google.com, as can her paper she wrote for Harvard entitled, “On the Right to Get High.”
To contact Ms. Margolin via email: [email protected]
Ms. Boyadjian is a "Jane of many trades.” Before entering the legal industry Ms. Boyadjian was and still is a licensed cosmetologist for the state of California, after seeing the movie "Erin Brockovich she was so inspired exactly 24 hours later she had enrolled herself at a reputable Paralegal Certification program. After nine months Ms. Boyadjian became certified and was ready and eager to get her feet wet. She began her legal career in 2000 as a file clerk for an AV rated law firm that specialized in family law, in Brentwood California. Ms. Boyadjian worked in various types of law but has always had a special interest in the criminal law field. As fate would have it, she crossed paths with for Ms. Margolin and soon there after she started working for her as the firms Paralegal she is highly skilled and is an integral part of the firm. Ms. Boyadjian assist's with all client matters, by conducting legal research, discovery, pleadings, preparing cases for trial, as well as organizing and maintaining case files and other documentation.
In addition, Ms. Boyadjian manages the day-to-day operations and staffing functions and is responsible for all business aspects for the firm, including finance and accounting, human resources, information systems, and business services. In her role, she works closely with the firm’s accountant and assists with billing issues. Ms. Boyadjian also directs Retainer Fee agreements and sets up payment plans for clients. She maintains the firm’s relationships with vendors, supervises the maintenance and alteration of office areas and equipment, and initiates cost reduction programs. She is also responsible for the firm’s record systems and formulates procedures for systematic retention, protection, retrieval, transfer, and disposal of records.
Ms. Boyadjian has shown her creative abilities and has officially been appointed the firm's webmaster and handling all networking duties. She oversees and directs all management functions. Ms. Boyadjian brings more than seven years of experience to her role.
To contact Ms. Boyadjian via email: [email protected]
Ms. Rausch
Jasmine Rausch recently graduated from Cal State University Northridge with a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies with an emphasis in law. For the last year Ms. Rausch has worked as an intern for Margolin taking on various tasks and traveling all around Southern California witnessing Ms. Margolin’s fierce performance in the courtroom. Ms. Rausch will be attending law school within the next year and wants to practice criminal defense law.
Ms. Rausch believes people should not be in jail for victimless crimes and greatly supports the harm reduction modality. Ms. Rausch knows that becoming a lawyer will give her the ability to fight for the injustices within the legal system and will allow her to speak up for the rights of the individual. Having the opportunity to work with Ms. Margolin has already given her greater insight about the world we live in.
To contact Ms. Rausch via email: [email protected] |