Your matter is extremely important to us. During this tough time you are going to have questions, and you are going to need a strategy in place to fight these criminal charges. Our goal is simple. We aim to provide quality representation effectively and efficiently for the defense of your criminal matter. Ms. Margolin's goals are to meet all of her clients' needs and address all concerns, regardless of the complexity or difficulty of the matter. Ms. Margolin has the dedication, fortitude and commitment to see your matter through to a proper resolution.

Felony Assault Weapon and Marijuana Cultivation Charges Reduced and Dismissed

People v. WR (2013, LAX Court):

The police barged into our client’s home and discovered multiple grow rooms and stored weapons, including one identified as an illegal assault weapon. Our client is involved in the security industry and a medical marijuana patient. He couldn’t afford to lose his license to protect other people or his legal supply of medication. However, the DA insisted on on a felony weapons charge (Pen. Code 30605(a)) that would prohibit our client from owning a weapon for 10 years and a felony possession for sale charge that could have wrecked his life.

Allison Margolin put on a vigorous defense before trial, demonstrating that the client was legally growing marijuana for his personal use and believed the weapon was legal when he obtained it. The judge dismissed the marijuana charge after a preliminary hearing, and the DA was negotiated down to a misdemeanor weapons charge.

Posted in Drug Crimes, Medical Marijuana, Weapons and tagged , , , .

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